Disconnect to reconnect!
Proverbs 1:1-2 ERV
These are the proverbs of Solomon, the son of David and king of Israel.They will help you learn to be wise, to accept correction, and to understand wise sayings.
Disconnect to Reconnect
We will be studying the book of Proverbs a lot more over the course of the rest of the year , to help you be equipped with the necessary wisdom to assess how your year went and how you can prepare for next year.
Today lets talk about technology.
There was a time when people wrote letters and postcards, when people called internationally using calling cards and when people had huge photo albums in their living rooms.
Today people email, call using free phone applications , social media features, and carry pictures digitally on their mobile phones.
Obviously Technology makes everything faster and easier and at time, it makes things cheaper but I cannot help but wonder, are we sacrificing the good old times just for a few bucks?
Times to sit with an old friend and have a real conversation without being interrupted by a text message or simply have someone's full attention ?
isn't it sad to see a long time friend whom has been away for a few years but be absorbed by a status update which isn't going anywhere and can wait the time of successfully finish our encounter.
Let's learn to be present, not just physically but emotionally and mentally, lets give our full attention to our interlocutors , lets disconnect to reconnect.
Technology is awesome let's use it, but wisely, lets not sacrifice good old times for digital times.
I encourage you to download the Bible Application Youversion and dive into the world of wisdom by reading Proverbs
Be blessed this week!
Pastor D
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