Death is the beginning,not the end!

1 Corinthians 15:20 KJV

But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

Death is the beginning,not the end!

Have you ever stopped to wonder about why so many fear death?

Because some fear the unknown,others the pain and others simply want to live forever.

In the Bible Jesus is resurrected, and during his 3 years of ministering he resurrected Lazarus and a 12 years old girl.

Death and resurrection teach us that God will not always interupt painful and unwanted events to take place because of our discomfort, he will at times allow us to reach our extreme limit and face our fears, deal with pain and adversity and then, perform a miracle like resurrection,answer a prayer, provide a solution, change your life ect...

Even death won't stop God's power and  ability, therefore instead of living with fear, live knowing God will equip you to go through and succeed in overcoming situations if you are to face them.

Eitherway , death is the beginning, you can let old habits go, once they die a new you can rise, bad relationships can die, bad choices and their effects can die, old way of thinking and problems can die, if only you believe that God can bring back to life whatever you need and currently lack of.

 If it starts from within,the solution will also rise from within for what is, once was and will always be.

Be blessed.

Download the Bible Application Youversion to find daily courage to face life boldly and succeed free of fear!

Pastor D


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