Details Count

 Luke-Acts 16:10 BOOKS

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Details Count

Too many people act as if small things are insignificant and want to focus on the bigger things.

For example some people will ignore red flags when a relationship is not fulfilling ,stating that it was a bad day or simply a coincidence others will ignore their intuition or even have unethical behaviour supposedly because it's of minor importance.

"I didn't insult her I simply gave her a bad look"

The truth is, you can from a detail evaluate on a larger scale potential trouble.

A lot of serious crimes started small, the thief first stole cigarettes, then money, then cars, then murdered someone therefore the cigarette robbery was not a small detail to ignore as it created a bad habit to which the person became immune to such bad behaviour to the point where they got the ability to indulge in worse actions with little to no remorse.

On the other hand someone whom is always reliable even when it comes to very basic things is a promising individual for bigger responsabilities hence, you'll see people climbing the Corporate ladder slowly but at each stage they must have earned greater trust due to fulfilling their share of the burden.

Luke-Acts 16:10 BOOKS 

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Be attentive to details they have a lot of information to provide.

You can find more important advice in the Bible Application Youversion

God bless.

Pastor D


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