You are awesome and perfect as you are!

Tought of the day

You are perfect just as you are!

None of us are perfect, some of the world's top restaurants chef's have meals that some people will dislike, some top models will not be able to get one marketable picture on a bad day and the best designers make horrible clothes.

It's easy to beat ourselves down for some shortcomings but remember the good days, when you made something good happened, when you were congratulated, when people told you that your dish  was the best meal they ever ate and shake off the negative reviews, the bad reports and the negative feedback, some people are never happy and you should know that they too aren't perfect!

You are perfect just as you are!

God loves you just as you are, love yourself just as you are and let no one make you feel anyway that doesn't line up with how you see yourself!

Have a blessed Sunday.

Pastor D

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